This has a very basic structure of Arduino sketch, showing two functions which are needed in
every sketch.
Let us understand these functions one by one.
void setup()
This is the first function which runs when the program execution starts. This function runs only
once after the program starts executing. As the name suggest, it does the setup. We need to do
peripheral initialization here e.g. pin initialization.
void loop()
After void setup() this function runs continuously in loop. In this function we need to write code
which we want to run again and again e.g. blinking led infinitely.
Function is a piece of code which has collection of executable statements. We have already seen
two functions, void setup() and void loop().
User can also write their own function to perform
certain task.
First each function need to be declared and then it could be called to execute.
Function has
following structure, where ‘type’ represents the type of value function will return. After ‘type’ we
need to declare name of function. In parenthesis we need to pass ‘Parameters’ to the function.
type functionName(Parameters)
Executable statements of function are enclosed in curly braces {}.
Semicolon ; after each statement represents the end of statement.
// Single line comments
In single line comments, statement immediately after // represents a comment. This comment ends
with the next line in code.
pinMode(pin, mode);
This function is mainly used in void setup() to declare a pin as output or input. We need to pass
two parameters to it, first is the number of pin and second is the mode i.e. INPUT / OUTPUT.
Ex. pinMode(8, OUTPUT); // Sets pin 8 as output pin
This function is used to read data on digital pin. The result of this function is always HIGH / LOW
or 0/1.
Ex. result = digitalRead(4);
digitalWrite(pin, value);
This function outputs HIGH / LOW or 0/1 on the pin number mentioned.
Ex. digitalWrite(3, HIGH); //Sets pin 3 HIGH
With this function, we could read data on any one of the analog pin of Arduino. The output value
is integer range from 0 to 1023.
Ex. value = analogRead(A5);
As the name suggest this function gives delay or pause the program for the time mentioned in
Ex. delay (1000); //Gives delay of 1 second
This function initialize serial port for data transfer. Here ‘rate’ represents the baud rate of data
transmission i.e. bits per second. Most commonly used baud rate is 9600,
Ex. Serial.begin(9600);
This function prints data on serial port. When used Serial.println(data);
it prints data on Serial port and goes to next line.
Ex. Serial.print(“Hello”);
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