Space In HIndi




Flexiable display

drop your cell phone and creak the screen ?
 That won't happen if flexiable OLED stands for organic light emitting diode. and researches are investigation methods  of crating OLED display that could result in flexible screens that don't crack or break when flexed Not only that these screens would be much lighter in weight be able to provide high definition display and  would require less energy, making your cell phone battery last nearly twice as long Flexiable displays will allow users to roll up or fold their electronic devices or drop them without breaking the screen.

 To compete with current display the OLED's will need to be highly conductive, transparent, flexiable ,and transparent. Graphene ,a one-atom thick sheet of carbon is also being considered as a material  for creating OLED displays. The University of  Arizona has manufactured a flexiable OLED using advanced mixed manufactured a flexiable OLED using advanced mixed oxide thin-flim transistor Samsung is developing a version of flexable OLED using plastic,and Sony is developing a version that uses an organic transistor Not only can this OLED technology be incorported into laptops, cell phones and TV's but it can also be employed as a filter on glasses and as a bendable,foldable display that can be used as a brochure or for marketing purposes.

  korean electronics company Samsung has been the leading manufacturer of OLED display since 2004. It is also the largest holder of patents in the world for active matrix OLED technology.

I think this is future of mobile 

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