Space In HIndi




Python Application

Real World Python Application

Python is a high-level general purpose programming language that offers multiple paradigms like object-orientation, and structural and functional programming for software development. It works on cross-platform operating systems and can be used across to develop a wide range of applications including those intended for image processing, text processing, web, and enterprise level using scientific, numeric and data from network. BitTorrent, YouTube, Dropbox, Deluge, Cinema 4D and Bazaar are a few globally-used applications based on Python.


1. Operating Systems:

Python is often an integral part of Linux distributions. For instance, Ubuntu’s Ubiquity Installer, and Fedora’s and Red Hat Enterprise Linux’s Anaconda Installer are written in Python. Gentoo Linux makes use of Python for Portage, its package management system.

2. Language Development:

Python’s design and module architecture has influenced development of numerous languages. Boo language uses an object model, syntax and indentation, similar to Python. Further, syntax of languages like Apple’s Swift, Cobra, and l all share similarity with Python.

3. GUI-Based Desktop Applications:

Python has simple syntax, modular architecture, rich text processing tools and the ability to work on multiple operating systems which make it a desirable choice for developing desktop-based applications. There are various GUI toolkits like wxPython, PyQt or PyGtk available which help developers create highly functional Graphical User Interface (GUI). The various applications developed using Python includes:
  • Image Processing and Graphic Design Applications:

    Python has been used to make 2D imaging software such as Inkscape, GIMP, Paint Shop Pro and Scribus. Further, 3D animation packages, like Blender, 3ds Max, Cinema 4D, Houdini, Lightwave and Maya, also use Python in variable proportions.
  • Scientific and Computational Applications:

    The higher speeds, productivity and availability of tools, such as Scientific Python and Numeric Python, have resulted in Python becoming an integral part of applications involved in computation and processing of scientific data. 3D modeling software, such as FreeCAD, and finite element method software, such as Abaqus, are coded in Python.
  • Games:

    Python has various modules, libraries and platforms that support development of games. For example, PySoy is a 3D game engine supporting Python 3, and PyGame provides functionality and a library for game development.

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